New: 2023 Regenerative Gift Guide
Beautiful, local, sustainable gifts for this holiday season
Complete the form below for your chance to view our selection of local, humane, and sustainable gifts this holiday season!
Send me my FREE 2023
Holiday Regenerative Gift Guide!
We’ll deliver it straight to your inbox.
The winner will receive beautiful, humane, sustainable gifts from Sacred Blossom Farm, Rapha Farms, Nine Hazels Farm, and Tapped Maple Syrup.
Must be 18 years or older to enter. Giveaway closes at 10 am on Monday, December 18th, 2023 (now closed). The winner will be notified via email. Head over to our Instagram to make a bonus entry and boost your chances of winning!
This season, give confidently with ethically, sustainably, locally, and humanely produced gifts.
You don’t want to miss:
Gifts from 20+ makers, farmers, and producers from around the Upper Midwest.
Body products, activities, pantry staples, delicious foods, and more.
Gifts that contribute to a better food and farming future for all.
Questions? Want to collaborate? Contact us.